I’m a converted Soft Tissue Therapist. I really like and believe in Be Activated, and as a client stated after his first Be Activated session “This is the Future”.

I have been on several Level 1 & 2 courses, and am still discovering and learning more about what Be Activated can do for us not just physically, but mentally. It helps me to keep myself the best I can be, so I can also do the best for the people I see. So a win-win really for everyone… I know this to be true, as I have had recurring injuries in a shoulder and golfers elbow, from working too hard as a Soft Tissue Therapist, giving and working too hard on clients…  Be Activated, set me straight, and the shoulder went a week after my first Level 1 course with more self-activation and my golfer’s elbow Left & Right, went a few days after another visit of a Level 1 course. My elbows were so painful, I was considering giving up my work, so I was extremely surprised when later on in the week after the course, I realized the pain had gone in both elbows AND not been back since. This won’t be true for every ache and pain, as some have many physical and mental layers, that take time and changes to unravel…

Why this story? As a person I have always questioned what I do, is there more, how can I be better, am I good enough….. So with my work as a Soft Tissue/Sport & Remedial massage therapist, I had questions when dealing with people… I know nothing lasts, and like cars & teeth, you have to get them seen, but was there a better way than massage.  Someone I knew in my profession had been on the course, suggested it as a CPD course. Checking the website I was intrigued, so booked.

My first Level 1, was mind-blowing, didn’t completely sink in, and Douglas Heel had me standing on my chair on the first day of “Why Are You Hear”. That was Hell, but I was in turmoil before he got to me anyway. (I SURVIVED)…  The course completed, I felt brilliant, my shoulder pain was explained as a compensation pattern, without me telling anyone I had shoulder pain or which one!! My shoulder pain was reduced and with self-activating at home for a bit it went, SOLD. However a  lack of confidence got to me though, when applying it to my clients…. But I knew it worked better than what I had fallen back into.

So I did another Level 1 & Level 2, trying to learn and understand more.  Level 2 changed my life it was a painfully overwhelming experience, that left me shell shocked, however for the better.

Level 2 eventually set me on a journey of personal discovery. I eventually acknowledge that I possibly needed some help. I could use Be Activated to physically be on great form. My body was and is so up for functioning and feeling good, and for some people that is all they need and want. However, my head space was smashing me to bits…. Surviving and not Thriving, its exhausting.

A chance meeting and a chat, got me to grab the chance, and I went for some counselling, an alien and uncomfortable concept for me. But I had nowhere else to go, was just hating myself, my life and I had questions about what changes I needed to make, could not and did not want to continue like this anymore, but had to make an informed choice.

So it has helped, it turns out I am/was in “SURVIVAL mode, learnt from a very young age, that was perpetuated as I grew up, and then a full blown Habit as an Adult…. Hell, I had no idea!

Habits are difficult to break, and  Be Activated really has been of help. I was boosting my physicality to allow me to move in sport to create that good mental feel….  Now I use Be Activated to set me up with how I perceive and pursue my day… I’m not perfect, I have good and bad days, like everyone, that in turn then makes my body feel better and move better for longer.

I can make “choices” as an Adult not as the Survival Child, the change is progressive and work in progress. My body is and has been my best friend, as it always shines during and after Self Activation, and my brain then follows. Now I Self Activate with more of a mental focus on what I want.  I have learned and continue to help myself. Some days I just want the Be Activated fix for my run or cycle, that is enough. Other days, I need the Point of Focus to get me to be productive on other things to do.

We all have a choice, to do, or not do.