Karen Roberts, BA therapist 1st, Chartered Physio 2nd

I attended my first Level 1 BeActivated (BA) course in Manchester in Nov 2016 (after which I went on to do a further 2 Level 1 and 2 Level 2’s). Previous to this I had experienced one BeActivated treatment with a fellow Irish therapist Stephen Coughlan and I was blown away by the concept and I just knew this was the missing link in my physiotherapy practice.  I immediately researched where and when the next course was on and booked it straight away.  I had no idea what was awaiting me. I soon realised that this course was like no other course I had ever attended and to this day I still vouch for that. I learned more relative practical training in a weekend with Doug than I did studying my BSc Hons Physiotherapy degree!! Completing Level 1 BA has been one of the best decisions of my life both professionally and personally. My practice shifted 100% after completing the course. The 123 system just makes so much sense, it is a simple concept but has such a profound effect on us complex beings. Everyone of us has many ‘stories’ that become deeply ingrained in us over the years and these accumulate and shutdown our systems. Then without even realising it we go through life in a state of survival whether this is in flight, fight or freeze mode. When I attended my initial course I had just escaped an extremely abusive 7yr relationship and to put it mildly, I was in serious ‘survival mode’. Luckily BA entered my life at this critical point as I had literally lost who I was. Doug breathed new life, passion and excitement into me and my career. Physio for the first time truly excited me and I am now so passionate about what I do, and I love how I can help people make sense of their stories which empowers them to make the changes necessary to put themselves in a state of healing, therefore enabling the body to heal itself.

I will be forever grateful to Doug for sharing his profound knowledge, insights, and teachings in doing this he taught me the importance of the need to continue to build resilience in my mind and body. Our resilience will be continually challenged through life so it is vital we are mindful of our own point of focus so that we can replenish our resilience and integrity so that we can move through life in a more expanded state, which ultimately helps my ballroom dancing 😉

Thank you Doug, from the bottom of my heart for all you have helped me with, you are a living legend!
