I was in France in June of 2017 on a retreat with hiking, meditation, and spiritual practice.

At that point I had been working with “Be Activated” for some years, and like in all the stories here – Douglas´ work has changed my life, my perspective, and the way I approach my patients.

The amazing thing is, that this work takes you through a deep personal transformation at the same time, as you help your patients through a transformation.

Transformation might be a big word – but that is what I see again and again – and I know this community has the same experience.

Back to my dream. I was on a journey towards my purpose in life. Towards what it is, that I am here for – on this earth. “Be Activated” and Douglas has been an important factor in this process.

The night between the first and the second day I dreamt that a voice told me, that in zone 1: the Diaphragm is our connection to something higher than ourselves (some people call it God or spirit), the Glutes are our connection to Gaia – this earth that we live on, and the Psoas is representing our life purpose – the thing that connects heaven and earth (Diaphragm and Glute).

I had for some time been looking for a connection between my work at the clinic – and the spiritual part of my life. How could I combine the two without scaring people away:-)

When I woke up from the dream, I got the feeling – that this was my answer, but I had NO idea how to use it.

The same evening I had a conversation with my spiritual teacher about the dream and my work-situation. He was calm and said that I should be patient – the path will show itself, he said.

He was right. In the last three years, the dream has unpacked itself. Since then I have intuitively told patients about my dream when it felt natural in the context. For example, when the Psoas keeps shutting down I have talked to them about their life purpose, if the Glute keeps shutting down I have talked to them about their roots (home, family, safe space, etc.). I never force it – when it is important to bring up the dream – it will come naturally, and it is not everybody who is ready to have this kind of conversation – which is fine. What is important for me is, that I have been able to combine my work with the person I am, which has moved me a lot closer to my life purpose – and I now have a tool that takes this work a step deeper with those who a ready for it.

I am very grateful.

Annbrit, Copenhagen Denmark