I originally met Bridie when she accompanied her husband to one of his treatment sessions. She then decided to join in the sessions!
In Bridie’s own words:
“I have talipes on my left side which basically means I have a leg length discrepancy of approx. 15mm and a smaller foot (by 2 shoe sizes) this foot has had 4 operations on it and when I was born faced in like club foot. As a result of this I have a left sized body imbalance, which impacts on everything I do and therefore I have accrued many “cheat patterns”.
Before seeing Stephen I had tried many different therapies in order to try and improve my muscle imbalance, mobility (particular in my ankle) and general strength, only seeking help when an acute issue began such as a bad back, pulled calf etc. Seeing Stephen allowed me to see a bigger picture and have a greater understanding of my deficits and how I could best improve these within the parameters of my own body mechanics. Learning to breathe deeply and really engage certain parts of my body created a greater awareness of the areas that needed attention. Much of my left side was working minimally and mentally I had accepted this thinking that due to muscle wastage on my left leg this could not be improved. At this point no one had really told me different. However, after a few sessions with Stephen I noticed my posture had changed and I was engaging both glutes when walking and the imbalance became smaller. Mentally I also found this very encouraging, I was walking differently, and my neck pain/tension was also reduced. I had greater mobility in my leg and foot joints, and I was stronger. My back pain reduced and a few months on and now I don’t experience any back pain.
Activation has been as much of a mental therapy as it is physical for me as I had become quite disconnected with my body and had been told so many misleading things by many other professionals looking at only one part of the problem. I have had no orthotics or further interventions re: surgery and I feel the strongest I have ever felt, I also feel the most capable I have ever. The diaphragm activations have had so many mental and physical benefits and I can now feel focused parts of my body working or when they are not and in need of self-activation. I am very thankful for Stephen’s help and would strongly recommend being Activated. ”
Bridie Hurley