I have always had an issue with people touching or looking at my belly. In high school my class mates use to dare each other’s taking bets on whom would get punched or slap the harder after attempting to put their hand on my belly. I felt really uncomfortable touching myself, I know it is weird.

I was repeating my level 2 course, as you do! 😉 We we’re playing with the visual field and the two poor souls working with me were trying to convince me it was ok for one of them to feel my belly. I somehow managed to control my fear and let me. It was like a flood and this massive flashback to when I was 6 years old. My judo coach at the time, a massive 100kg bloke, used to walk on our bellies to test our strength; it was only a game at the time but it obviously affected me a lot more than I thought!
I have been much better since then. I do not freak out anymore, still not 100% ok with myself or other people placing their hands on it but my breath is million times better now that I can let go of the tension!