Isn’t it great when people get stuck into their process and ride the waves of the work. My award for ‘Most Up For It Human’ goes to my dear client, Emma.
Emma came into my clinic late last year 2021 with a history of concussion after a serious head injury which had left her with balance issues and an inability to be around artificial light. Working on computers, phones iPads made her nauseous and would often illicit panic attacks. Christmas tree lights reduced her to a wreck of a woman and sequins and stripes made her cry. Add that to daily head pain and anxiety and you have a small picture of how she was.
At first we started the process of unpacking her symptoms, there was a lot to get through. Around the third session I introduced her visual field to light stimulus. Up to now the clinic room lighting had to be subdued. This woman can swim in lakes and oceans, walk the mountains in the dark and yet a bicycle lamp would literally put her in a state of high anxiety
Through the tears, nausea and laughter she worked hard for change and there has been progress, lots of it. 
I activated her visual field against different light stimulus, starting gently and increasing intensity as we went, we did disco, flashing, pulsing, blue light, sparkly clothing… stripes, anything I could find.

As her body became more stable and she learned about Activations she gained confidence and started turning off the dark modes to her devices for short periods, then she went into a supermarket and lasted 15 mins, which was more than she done in 3 years. A date in the cinema followed, she chose an action movie. Lots more daily challenges, rigorous self activations, more stripes and sparkles, longer time with the computer, slowly building stamina and confidence. So intrigued by our work she attended Level1 & 2 Training with Doug in Belfast, March 2022, and this summer she invited me to a concert. One of my fave bands. “The Specials “
From where we began all those months ago to Emma’s current understanding of where she is now is Night & Day. She’s very different in how she manages her triggers and symptoms.
Half way through the concert we were jamming away, then suddenly she was like a rabbit staring down the barrel of a big auld gun. Anyhoo, I love The Specials and I wasn’t going to let a small issue like panic ruin my night 

So! this is what we did.

I got her to Self Activate while she looked at the flashing lights and took the piss out of her at the same time, it’s what real friends do. I noticed that her left psoas seemed to influence her breathing so after a little while I stepped in to work a bit more on that point and she came back into herself. For the rest of the concert she danced, activated, laughed, cried. Thats a normal day in the life of Emma but now she can do it in the light.

B x