My Be Activated journey started in early 2018 and it has truly changed my life. I had been in pain for years after beating my body up with powerlifting.
I tried going to chiropractors, naprapathy, massage therapists, physios, osteopaths, and doctors. I tried different diets and exercise programs and a bunch of different pain medication. Nothing really helped and the doctors finally said I had Fibromyalgia and there is no cure.
I had sharp pain in both hips and shoulders. My neck and lower back were always killing me and a long history of TMJD and headaches. I had been chronically depressed since 2013 along with diagnosed ADHD in 2017.
I tried every antidepressive medication there is along with four years of psychotherapy with no results on my mental health. The medication gave me horrible side effects.
I decided to keep looking for answers to help my pain and as a coincidence one night I saw a video on Instagram with amazing before and after results with the hashtag #beactivated. I started looking online trying to find out more about it, not knowing the journey it would start. I found videos of Doughlas Heel on YouTube, doing muscle activation giving people amazing results. They looked, moved, and felt totally different. Without knowing what I did I started rubbing points on my body similar to what Doughlas did in the videos.
I couldn’t explain it but I felt different. My breathing was changing and I flew up from my chair. I couldn’t put my finger on what I felt just that it was different and somehow familiar, from how I felt years before depression and panic attacks.
I couldn’t find anyone in Sweden that was practicing Be Activated so I purchased a USB stick from the Be Activated website to learn more about what was happening to my body. The day that I got the USB stick in the mail I stayed up the whole night watching the videos over and over. The more I learned and practiced on myself the better results I got. I was in less pain, my sleep was better, and almost as a surprise, my panic attacks were less frequent.
I found the Be Activated Facebook group with tons of stories and teachings from practitioners from all over the world. I started asking questions and I got really friendly responses. After chatting with an amazing lady from Ireland, she told me it would be best to see someone with more knowledge that could help me out. She told me it can sometimes be hard to resolve my compensation patterns on my own. She also put me in contact with a very skilled practitioner in Danmark and I booked my first session.
In October 2018 I traveled to Denmark to get my first activation and I will never forget it. I had a massive panic attack in the waiting room outside the office, that was the last panic attack that year. I couldn’t believe the change it made in my pain but that was nothing compared to what it did for my depression and anxiety. The week after, I saw my shrink as usual. She told me I looked different. She said it was the first time in three years that I expressed genuine happiness in our sessions.
After my second session in Denmark, my hip pain was 100% gone. Two months before that I was scheduled with surgery on both hips to carve out the bone to get rid of the impingement. I canceled the surgery and I could squat down all the way without pain and I felt weightless.
Instead of booking a third session, my practitioner told me that Douglas was coming to Denmark and I should take the course. I managed to scrape up enough money to attend level 1 and it was one of the best experiences in my life.
I learned how to take care of myself and others, I felt my body in new ways I can’t describe. At one time in the course, I got my lats activated by Douglas and my forearms felt twice as long, I had to run and put my jacket on to make sure the sleeves still fit!
Now almost two years after my level 1 I have done the course multiple times. After being put on illness retirement for over four years I now work fulltime with Be Activated helping all kinds of people. I have seen people with back pain for 25 years suddenly jumping up and down without pain.
Shoulders frozen for years getting its full mobility back. Just last week I helped a man with a stroke open his hand for the first time in five years and countless other stories. I have had tears and laughs, I have been yelled at and worshipped.
For the first time in my life, I don’t feel like I have to rush to the next thing, whether that’s making a sandwich, doing the dishes, or chatting with a friend. My field of vision has opened, my inhales has the smell of childhood. 90% of my aches and pains are gone. I no longer need to take ADHD medication to sit still or read.
I no longer need therapy for my depression and anxiety. I learn something about myself and Be Activated every day and with every session. I was never looking for a way to help my mental health, that was the amazing side effect of it all.
I don’t think I would still be here if it wasn’t for Be Activated.
Forever grateful!