*******email from a client who wanted to share but remain anonymous*******
Not really sure where to start…….. I have been unwittingly cultivating my cocoon for some time. I lost all of my hair very suddenly 7 years ago. It affected me, of course, it did, but I just swallowed it and got on with it. Nothing much else I COULD do. I lost my eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair too. I looked in the mirror and saw an alien. I had changed beyond all recognition. I got a wig, used some eye pencils, and adapted to my new look as best I could. After all, I had my new fledgling business to concentrate on. Fast forward 6 years, life was good. My business was thriving. My new identity well integrated. Then BOOM! I was diagnosed with Stage 1 clear cell ovarian cancer and had surgery to remove all of my female bits and my tummy lining. So no longer did I not look like a female, I didn’t have the internal female bits either! But, I was lucky that the cancer was halted in its early stages. Again, I swallowed it and moved on. I went back to work, taking some time to build-up to the level I was working at previously, but I was determined that I would not be controlled by “the fukka” as I had previously named the tumour. I just got on with it.
Over a period of years, concerns for my Mum’s health had been a major family focus. Several months after my own health scare, my elderly Mum’s health was very obviously failing and I was trying to support my parents as best I could. Mum’s character had changed quite a bit, and it was difficult to deal with. Neither she nor Dad knew what I had gone through. They had more than enough to deal with. My Mum sadly lost her battle 6 months after I went back to work. Again, I dusted myself down, picked myself up, and did my best to support my Dad. I didn’t want to let any clients down and returned to work the night after my Mum’s death, taking time during the day to help to organise her funeral, to be there for my Dad, and to help sort her things out in-between times. Some 6 weeks after my Mum’s death, Lockdown was imposed and I closed my business. I was extremely anxious about the future of my business, and of the financial implications. Just one week later, my Aunt died. I was very close to her and felt like I had lost a friend and confidante.
But, I was strong and just kept going……… but then I noticed that I had developed an extremely painful groin over some time which was causing me a great deal of distress. Grant came highly recommended and I have now had several sessions with him. He quickly diagnosed stress as being the root cause of the problem and explained that my body was trying to compensate in several areas to enable me to keep moving. I was storing all my emotion and tension in my jaw. My jaw was making my hip sore! My body was so tight and stooped and I ached from head to toe. I felt like an old woman. Looking back, I was in my wee, carefully crafted cocoon, with my emotions all tightly wrapped up, and with my movement greatly restricted.
Grant has been working his special kind of magic over several sessions and I started to feel that I was beginning a metamorphosis, breaking free from my chrysalis, emerging from my cocoon, and gaining my wings. Like a butterfly, my movement is now free and light and I am now able to participate in exercise again, which was impossible before Grant’s intervention. I can walk without pain, cycle, and have recently renewed my love of yoga. This has created an upwards spiral where I have finally put myself first, nurturing, and caring for mySELF……. and I feel better than I have in years! The work with Grant also helped me to acknowledge the loss I have experienced over the past 7 years. Thank you, Grant! You have done truly amazing work with me and I will be forever grateful to you and your “magic!”