I have worked with a lady for the past 2 years, and recently we witnessed something incredible- how far your body is willing to go in order to breathe.

She came in with a worried expression on her face, typing on the phone while asking  “do you know any good rheumatologists?”

Later she told me that her fingers have been progressively swelling with pain and burning sensation.  “Am I going to take the meds and all those treatments for the rest of my life?”  There was fear in her voice.

” I don’t know, but let’s do the work first see what will happen if we can provide safety to your body,” I said.

And we started with breathing, suddenly I saw that every time she inhaled, her index finer extended.

“Could this be the reason leading to rheumatoid arthritis-like symptoms?”

We went through the sequence- breathing, zone1, 2, 3

After each activation, she felt less and less symptoms, the fingers no longer swollen, the pain has decreased.

“Could this be possible? This work can help in arthritic-like disease? ” she could barely believe it!

Just when we were finishing the shoulder, she exclaimed that her fingers were normal, there was no symptom left.

“What happened to me?” she asked

“Apparently, you have been breathing with your fingers therefore overloading them,” I said

“Do I still need to go for the blood test and all that stuffs?” she seemed to have a second thought now.

“That is for you to decide” I replied.

More than six months have past, and she still has not gone back to the doctor to see the result of the blood test.

And we both know why.