I have spent the last 6 weeks editing and changing programs that I have developed over the years. Â A story I remember a therapist shared with me jumped out, especially right now when we are all in lockdown and missing human connection. Connection is a human need.
The therapist shared that her client was struggling with depression for many years following a traumatic event in her life. Â The sessions they did together got her feeling stronger and more in control. Â What had the greatest effect for her though was every day going through the client CDRom. Â Here we first made sure the clients understand the context of what they were doing and why. Â Empowering people happens through educating them, not telling them what to do.
So every day she was doing her activations, and touching herself and connecting with herself. Â Her feedback to her therapist was that every day she connected more with herself, and a little bit more of the ice melted. Â Every day she stepped a little more out of her depression and into her life.
I remember this story because the client was sharing that it was her touching and reconnecting with herself that changed things for her. Â We had just given her the tools. Â She did the work.
I think right now in the world there are so many people who are overwhelmed and disconnected from themselves. A daily practice of breathing with Activation could give them the human connection we all have as a need. But the connection here is the most important one – it is with ourselves.