Rebecca came to see me because she was getting hip pain, couldn’t run and at times was having trouble walking, three walks before she was going on a trek!


In Rebecca’s own words:

“I just wanted to let you know that yesterday we summited 5416m at Thorong La Pass – the highest pass in the world, after 9 days of walking to get there. On summit day we set off at 4am in darkness and climbed 1000m in a day, summited at 8am and then descended 1800m to come down the same day to avoid AMS. 

It turns out 5400m is fucking high! And also fucking cold. But most of all, altitude is real and the lack of oxygen from 4500m up is so real. 

Anyway, all this to say, that activating my diaphragm and breathing correctly 100% got me through it. The 4 hour uphill push from 4am-8am to the summit was the hardest but most rewarding thing I’ve ever done and I honestly couldn’t have done it if 

a) You hadn’t done all the work you did to activate my whole body so i was pain free and

b) The activated breathing you taught me. It was also amazing to be able to help others passing on the advice ☺️ anyway, just wanted to say a huge, huge thank you because really being able to breathe that high up and not hyperventilate or panic was the thing that got me up there. It’s also been such a help to keep my body working on the relentless 8 hour days of walking the past week and a half. So a huge, huge THANK YOU ☺️”