SELF ACTIVATION YOGA ‼️ My yoga student is thrilled to bits with this result. Maider is one of my student yoga teachers who rocked up to my ‘Activate Your Asana ‘ class. She’s been working hard on her headstands this entire year but has always been lopsided. These pictures were taken about an hour apart. Maider had just finished practising an Ashtanga class – the headstand is the final posture. (see first pic)
She decided to stay for the next class which is all about self activating through yoga postures. She is a dutiful student who studies hard and practices yoga almost everyday, she knows what her body is capable of, or so she thought.
During the second class she commented upon how light and free she felt, particularly in her transitions between postures. I asked her to do the headstand again at the end of the class. (see 2nd picture) The best thing about this! I didn’t touch her once and I didn’t coach her to align her body, it just happened naturally.
The sequence we worked on was activating diaphragm, adding yoga breath retention work as well as diaphragm breath, Zone 1 plus hamstrings, whilst we worked through various postures to promote hip extension and hamstring strength and flexibility. 🤘🧘🏻♀️🤘🥰 I love my work. 🙏 and there is still work to do…👊