My introduction to Be Activated came through an email from Cal Dietz, who at the time, I knew as a Strength Coach at the University of Minnesota. I didn’t know Cal at all but respected his work and while I was curious about this guy that was flying in from South Africa and Cal’s experience with Be Activated, it sounded too good to be true. So, while I am curious, I was also quite skeptical.
I was traveling to Minneapolis in a few weeks to pick up one of my kids from the University and asked if we could get together and talk in person so I could better understand the process. We met for the first time in 2005 and instead of talking, Cal did a session with me. Inbetween feelings of wanting to punch him and jump off the table my mind was blown away by the changes I was feeling in my breathing and movement patterns. Later, I appreciated the added peacefulness, living more consistently in a parasympathetic state afforded me.
I returned to Minneapolis a month or so later with two of my colleagues to attend a 2 day seminar with Doug. My intent was to learn techniques to help our clients move better and physiology was my focus. Within a few hours, I was struck by psychological upgrades that are available with Be Activated. Discovering a simple process to connect mind, body and spirit spoke to me on a deep level and aligned with my appreciation and awe of how miraculously the human body is designed.
PMPG works with many influential leaders and as I saw people beginning to “own their space” at the course my intrigue was directed to this aspect of Be Activated. I believe that many high level athletes run sophisticated “cheat patterns” and the same holds true for leaders in the board room. I see what our clients accomplish in our community and internationally…But what if there was MORE?
Be Activated has changed how I connect to my family and friends, how I coach and how I move through this world. Doug often referred to me as “the invisible man”. I saw others but really didn’t reveal myself which limited my ability to actually connect more deeply with others. To truly know others we need to be known. My take on the philosophy of Be Activated is one of ownership, accountability, responsibility and vulnerability with a connection to some pretty straight forward techniques. This encouraging message is timeless and a priviledge to share with the folks we see at PMPG.