You dont know what you dont know! That phrase has become one of those I try to live my life by. I have had a period of my life where I thought I was getting depressed, insane or worse. No matter what I did, it was just like I could not be happy, at least not all the...
An ex-colleague from back in my fitness trainer days reached out to me for help in December 2020. Background information: 32-year-old male, ex-fitness trainer and competitive bodybuilder, has suffered from intermittent lower back pain from “bulging discs” for...
I have worked with a lady for the past 2 years, and recently we witnessed something incredible- how far your body is willing to go in order to breathe. She came in with a worried expression on her face, typing on the phone while asking “do you know any good...
I was in France in June of 2017 on a retreat with hiking, meditation, and spiritual practice. At that point I had been working with “Be Activated” for some years, and like in all the stories here – Douglas´ work has changed my life, my perspective, and the way I...